Who was it that said "The natives are revolting"? Well this one certainly is!!
This is Nigel's blog for airing concerns about current issues on Alderney, and he invites you to comment too. Add your own thoughts be they humorous, insulting, satirical, critical or even full of praise. This is your chance to join the revolution!
Word on the street
So after all these promises from Verweij and Partners it ends as most of us had predicted. What next, the Connaught turning into a quintessential hotel and a marina to look forward to..... seeing is believing guys!
Wine glass to the wall. Well done Alderney Native, let them know a mutiny is on the cards. Let them walk the plank and hopefully they will find the Davy Jones Locker. Salute Peter Radice who did all his own admin - who needs excess civil servants?
Nigel, there is a simple answer to start solving these problems - open up peoples meetings to any questions. The more open the better. This a tiny island not a huge metropolis.
Congratulations for setting this up a vox populi, but it is a sad commentary on those who are supposed to represent us.
Well done Nigel, for giving the public a voice. But it is a sad commentary on those who are supposed to represent us. Alderney is a tiny island not a huge metropolis.
If they would open up peoples meetings to any questions the number of problems would soon become fewer, and the public would be able to contribute, instead of complain. It should be a no brainer, so why isn't it? What are they afraid of? Why not try it for a year and see?
Fabulous Blog!!! A great idea. A suggestion for a new heading is 'The Economic Plan'. The world is changing at a pace and IF this ever gets published it will already be out of date. Never mind it's only yours and my money going down the pan. SWOT... Superb Waste Of Time (and money)
If the SWOT had been dealt with properly the economic plan could have been available a year ago. And to keep pace with events the plan needs to be updated evry year. It is never too late. But doing nothing would be a complete waste of our money.
Some other topics are 1. the pump at the new water tower - underpowered?? 2. the new road sweeper - bust and no parts 3. The Water Lane disgrace 4. The TOR and role of AHA. Why not first define the specific need, and only build new when there are no empty houses to rescue 5. Why is the economic plan nearly an year late?
Why does it take so long for posts to appear? Several of mine for Saturday - now Sunday - are missing. Send me your e.mail address and i will pass them on to you
Sorry for the delay in publishing all the latest comments, please bear with me as I'm very new to this blogging game. Also going to my second quarry party in a week hasn't helped!
Nigel, love the website. I expect it's going to get bigger than you planned and will become tricky to link the responses. Would it be a good idea to allocate each blog a id number or code? (Just a thought!)
If they could just trap all the Kinetic energy that you throw off on the dance floor at the quarry all our Islands energy needs would be taken care of.
My biggest grip about Alderney at the moment is the humongous eyesore at the back of the island - a blooming double decker bus of all things, what on earth is it still doing there. I believe you wrote a piece on it recently. I think we should let some of the slightly more reckless youth know and get them to push it over!!! I now feel totally sorry for Mark Maurice and the problems he had with the hummers. This just should NOT have been let on the island to now rust up at one of our top beauty spots, blooming typical. PUSH IT OVER!
Yes but would you be so ambivalent about it if one of your neighbours had one parked in their garden, or worse still, parked on Longis Common, amongst the rockery? Think not. At the end of he day, no one needs a double decker bus on this place, and anyone who thinks is a sport to ruin everyone's enjoyment of our once beautiful scenery is just plain sad........
Nigel on a different note "the UK government plans to tax offshore gambling operators" 15% the same as UK based operators, you can google this information. What will be the effect of this on Alderney Issued licences, should the states be ring fencing some of that gambling profits NOW and not squandering them. No one has raised this subject anywhere like the VAT loophole that was sealed, this has to have a huge effect on the local economy in both Guernsey and Alderney.
Thank you for raising this extremely important issue, Anonymous 14 August. Does your surname rhyme with Olympic Games? I'm afraid this one is way over my head, maybe some other blogger in the know could help out here?
I'd just like to thank John Russell for promoting my blog on his show at Quay FM. If you're reading this John, it sure is raising some interesting points. Many thanks again.
I suspect that your good idea is rebounding on you, as the comments are nearly all negative, particularly those sheltering behind aliases. By their increasingly poor performane over the last 5 years the States have made it very easy to criticise them - so many bad decisions, or no decision at all, and very litle public involvement.
But broadcsting that to the world could do more harm than good, and put people off coming here. I am not surprised that the States are enraged, but they created the problem with their poor performance, leaving a vacuum which you have filled. Ask them how they intend to improve things, but don't hold your breath.
Could I suggest that you open another section specifically for postive ideas, rather than criticisms? Alderney has so much to offer.
I think the solution lies in two things: 1. Opening up PMs to any questions. How can they refuse to answer questions from the people they are supposed to represnt? 2. An Economic Plan that is approved by the public and progressed at PMs.
Sorry, a bit longer than I intended, but it is positive.
People often say that it is far easier to criticize than to praise. No, it's just as easy to praise if only our current States members could give us something to praise them for. I've asked a number of our current States members to name just 1 of their achievements, over the past year worthy of praise. Some looked back at me as if I 'd asked them a nuclear physics question, others just went blank. I then offered some help by suggesting the new water infrastructure that has been going on. Oh yes said one, praise that. Sadly I can only give the states a 50/50 on this (you readers might want to phone a friend here) and here are the reasons. 1: I've seen my water rates rise quicker than the jib of a crane. 2.While the quantity has improved the quality is marginal. I was raised from birth on the old non filtered stuff and all thats happened to date is that my 6th toe on my right foot has dropped off. I now walk with a limp. 3. Our beautiful Island has been scared from White gates to the Light house right slap back, middle of our PEAK and ever decreasing summer season. Why, when we have 10/11 other months of the year do we choose to do this heavy and messy work? Have "the powers that be" forgotten how to write a diary? It's called planning guy's. Me thinks it was planned this way so that the workers could show off their six packs and get a sun tan to boot! Surely this work could have been done in the winter months, or could it be that this will clash with our new ski season? So I am asking, no, I'm begging any one out there to give me something to praise.
As I have said it is very aasy to find things to rant about, but I suspect it won't change anything. If the States had some good ideas they would have surfaced by now, but they haven't. So is the answer to vote in a lot of new people? It did not work last time.
So, in the vacuum that exists, the public have to show the way with positive ideas, not destructive criticism. Which is what I had hoped your blog would lead to.
I believe that a large part of the answer lies in opening up Peoples meetings, to give the public a real voice, and force the States to consider public reaction, in public. Try to work together, rather than throw brickbats.
I have always bought Alderney milk, and appreciate how hard the farmer and his family work, and am glad they are able to supply Alderney with milk, so why shoot himself in the foot, and withdraw all his products from the shelves of certain stores who dare to offer an alternative?
I understand the reason is because Le Coqs were asked by the Army to supply a large quantity of a special type of milk, which le Coqs supplied. Normal business as they do supply this every day. Kiln Farm heard about it and threw a hissy, and withdrew all their milk on the shelves and refused to supply any more. To any of the 3 le Coqs stores.
So a problem NOT of the States making for a change. Although the States do provide Kiln farm with a hefty subsidy. Maybe that should be reviewed.
Presumably good news for the other shops which sell milk, but no incentive for many of us to buy other Kiln farm products - ice cream, cream, butter, meat, etc.
Given the current global economical climate which Alderney is far from immune, surely we need leadership NOW more than ever, instead of the weak and frankly lame excuses we keep hearing our paid politicians coming out with. Sometimes less is more, so how about this for an idea. Reduce our current 10 states members down to 4 and involve the President more ,we might then see the committee pulling together and actually achieving something to brag about. It's got to be worth a try. I can't honestly remember a time when so many costly and poor decisions have been made in such a short period of time. To do nothing is to die.
Almost right Nigel. Alderney should embrace the ‘Elected Mayor’ principle of local/regional government, although he/she can still be called President. The President has full executive power and is elected on a four year cycle; a re-call mechanism is incorporated into the system in case of abuse of power, the incumbent goes rogue or simply stuffs up big time during the electoral term. You have a smaller States, whose members are also elected and act in the scrutiny role, ensure transparency and hold the executive to account. This is the best way to ensure things actually get done; if the incumbent wants to get re-elected he has to live up to his electoral promises/manifesto and perform, because the electoral cycle is the ultimate arbitrator. I can think of a few Alderney residents who might fit the bill (and some who will think they do but in reality don’t!).
Interesting thought process "incoming" , our current President of the States has more commercial experience than practically any other elected member and certainly superior interpersonal skills and management experience i hope that he is given more access and involvement in the decision making process. I am always staggered by the amount of world class executives and decision makers with relevant experience in all types of industries on this Island why not use them as sounding boards and seek out their opinions and advice, why waste this talent pool.
The sign of a clever man is one who knows what he does not know and plays to his strengths.
Matt Birmingham was charged with putting together a Skills Register nearly two years ago, I asked how it was progressing but cant recall much of a response.
The latest idea froom the States - Ray Berry - to is to open committee meetings to representatives of Special Interest Groups. "OPEN GOVERNMENT??" A move in the right direction? To be presented to the P+F in December 2012. But no open questions at PMs.
What is a SIG? And how is it formed? I suggest we form 4.
- SAS - Save Alderney Society. - FOLB - Friends of Longis Bay. We know who we are. - BTTA - Better Transport to Alderney. - HRA - Home Rule for Alderney. An opposing Government?
SAS, BTTA, and HRA will have many things in common. Sounds familiar.
Seriously though, what do you think of forming the SAS - sans uniform?
Its not worthless. Nigel is trying to keep it civil, but its also funny, which is why many of us read it. If somebody wants to have a little pop at Martin, I am sure he is more than able to match it or simply shrug it off. At least he doesn't hide behind his anonymity like you. And as soon as I work out how to, I will sign myself as Lee Flewitt. I can't stand him either.
Dear MR. Regional Blood, it would seam to me that you're doing a pretty good job of that already, but hey, this is a free world. If only it were a free Island, or at least run a little better.
Which is why I stand shoulder to shoulder with you Brother, in the hope that one day change is made and we can rejoice in the knowledge that it was the people what done it.
Leadership at Alderney States is conspicuous by it's absence - not one of the three in charge shows any sign. President, CEO, Chairman of P+F. But ranting is likely to have the opposite effect that is needed - they will just dig in.
To accomplish change needs discussion, and some of the changes are significant. I think the major one is to replace committees with direct responsibility, so that an individual accepts direct responsibilty for an area of local government. And we could cut back to 6 SMs - 2 for Guernsey and 4 for Alderney, as I proposed some time ago. No interest.
But that will take time and a lot of discussion - not a bonfire in front of the Island Hall.
Which is why I think the answer lies in 2 things ; 1. An Island Plan which is progressed at Peoples meetings 2. Allow any questions at Peoples Meetings.
Change, as the peoploe want, will then happen. But it is "the people" not only those making the noise.
Rees, I will take onboard your advice. However, part of what you are asking is already in place, as far as know. Mr. Tugby is in responsible for all things to do with the Campsite. Mr. Kelly is responsible for all things to do with Harbour and Fisheries. You may want to ask who else is responsible for other things currently being strongly talked about?
Nigel, they are not directly responsible. The committee to which they report is. They cannot make any real decisions without the committee approving them. The committee may support them or not. And then it has to go to the States for final approval.
If we had the famous Economic plan each activity should be the direct responsibility of a person - SM or official. They should set start and end dates for the details of what they are going to do. Then progress that on a regular basis. That is how successful organisations work - and so could we if we make the right decisions on the way forward. For activity read "improving transport options" for example.
We could go on playing verbal tennis for ages, but I suspect we would run out of balls. no pun intended.
Nigel, can you create a topic for the Duty Free concession? To my mind this is an absolutely vital service that has the potential to encourage many more private boats and planes to visit.
Martin, I'm getting some expert help with the set up of my blog this week. Hopefully it will become easier for me to use and set up different posts. Watch this space.
I agree with Martin althogh it should be realised that in Jersey Duty Free prices are significantly lower than here. Eg Litre of Famous Grouse £11 in jersey. £15 here. Is this the ever present hand of Guernsey or some other pressure
I suspect it is the consequences of the States legitimising a monopoply provider. Why is duty free a 'concession'? Either the Island is duty free or it isn't. If all licensed premises were allowed to offer duty free would not the resulting competition force down prices? I do not understand this at all, but no doubt I am missing some historical context for the concession basis!
Walking past Le Cocqs at 0830 saw that peace talks must have been successful as the farmer delivered milk. Right behind him was young Tugby delivering a pallet of Cravendale.
ATTENTION ALL BLOGGERS OLD AND NEW. I've just had my first experience with a personal attack on a fellow blogger. This was never my intension and certainly not the direction I want my blog to go. Therefore any future comments containing personal attacks will NOT be published. I would also prefer bloggers not to hide behind the anonymous button and sign off openly.
To all you footy fans out there. Get yourselves out to the Mount hale football pitch this Saturday 26th Aug. This match is going to be bigger than any premier game you're likely to see this coming season! COME ON YOU BLUES.
Can anyone up date me on the crane situation. Or, are the people responsible having counseling just like the people responsible for giving away £2.6 million of tax payers money?
I think whats shown here is that if the cable was here for several months and not installed as per the expert reports recommendation it hardly instills confidence that the harbour should purchase a 750 K crane ,to rent one with a service agreement included has to be the way forward. Capital depreciation(over ten years) on the purchase cost will outweigh the cost of any rental agreement(with service contract) in the long term remember what Jimmy Goldsmith used as his great mantra if it Floats,Flys or.... lifts heavy freight rent it.
Brigadoon appeared every 100 years for one day and St Kilda was evacuated in the 1930s,just like Alderney, not ten years later, but Alderney was re- popoulated and has thrived and prospered and has an enviable way of life which people want to see maintained, dozens of Johny come latelys and big time charlies have come to Alderney to try and change the way of live here and few have stayed and even fewer have succeeded, no one objects to gradual change but guarding what is fantastic about this UNIQUE island is worth fighting for and Nigel like his father before him does not want to see any harm come to this magic place, a little satirical blogging and a little accountability for poor decision making is not going to kill anyone, Alderney is like marmite you love it or hate it-i hate marmite but love Alderney just the way it is !
Anonymous 12 Sep definitely has the right attitude. What which is best about Alderney is worth preserving and even fighting for. Our low crime, trusting way of doing things is nearly unique in the world. That the world is changing at a breakneck speed, and not to the benefit of Alderney, is even more reason we all need to PROACTIVELY work to preserve what we have. If we don't, if we just float along, soon all the best of what is Alderney will be gone. Lets unite to keep Alderney the lovely place it is - for all of us.
So Guernsey get to drop £80 million on their runway. We need to spend 400K to keep our grass runway up and running and all hell breaks loose, WHY? If the States of Guernsey hadn't given away £2.6 million of our tax we would be able to afford the upgrade 6 times over! The amount they are spending trying to recover the 2.6 would probably be enough to pay for the upgrade at least twice.
So yet another local business is being off loaded to someone off lsland. I am referring to the ALDERNEY duty free which is now going to be run by a company from Guernsey. Yes they will employ some people on the island but all the profits will leave Alderney. First the campsite and now the duty free, what is next. Am I missing something here?????
I'm afraid Alderney will continue to decline unless Guernsey start to believe in us and accept that we are part of the Bailiwick. Taking our only source of revenue, shutting our runways, reducing our airport operating hours will not help anyone. A health Alderney would mean more tax paid to Guernsey,a case of you scratch our back and we scratch yours, surely that would be the best option. As far as our new economic development plan and marketing strategy our States needs to deliver NOW, or I'm afraid they may end up lost in the Christmas post!!
Why are the Police asking people to lock up their fuel tanks?
Why are they NOT asking us to be vigilant and advertising a number to call if we see something suspicious?
Get off the golf course and talk to people, find the few criminals that there are and then enjoy a peaceful life with the rest of us. What next? Fit window locks and dare not venture out after dark?
I have no doubt that the trust you place in Guernsey adopting a responsible position in terms of its relationship with Alderney is well meant and for all the right reasons but I think that, in this instance, you are completely wrong. It is self-evident that – from its actions over many years and not just the past few months – Guernsey does not really care what happens in or to Alderney or its residents and businesses. There is no empathy or sympathy evident in Guernsey’s decision-making at all. Its politicians and civil servants are totally Guernsey-centric.
Guernsey is waking up – somewhat belatedly, it is true – to the fact that the Global economic climate has changed for good and its financial services sector is really beginning to see the effects of that. As a consequence, significant purse string tightening by the States of Guernsey is, quite naturally, the order of the day; Alderney is but one ‘easy target’ cost centre.
With this scenario in mind, a future outside of the Baliwick must be a serious option for Alderney. Until, however, we are allowed to see and understand the FULL Alderney budget numbers – not just the 30% or so that the States of Alderney voted through a couple of weeks ago – even a preliminary debate on the viability of this option is out of the question.
The cloak of secrecy which covers the Guernsey tax take and the true cost of the transferred services is obviously of great benefit to Guernsey but is becoming ever more damaging to Alderney’s long term interests. It also represents a democratic deficit of which a Dictator in a third world banana republic would be proud.
If the new States of Alderney members who we elect in a couple of weeks time address only this issue in their first 6 months it would be a huge step forward for the Island.
Mr. Blood, somehow I don't think you are taking this most important up and coming election seriously? You will have 4 years to ridicule when the new States are sworn in. "He's allowed me to go to the mountain and I've looked over, and I've seen the promise land! I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promise land".
Now that the long awaited financial development plan has been published, is it me or am I missing something? Since Island Analysis were appointed some 18 months ago, and following consultation with the island's people and the consumption of goodness knows how much time and cost to the States, one of the main outputs of the "plan" is the issuing by the States of a Consultation Document. Laugh, I nearly bought a round! The Future Economic Development Plan, some 79 pages long, is full of recommendations mostly prefaced with words like, evaluate, discuss, consider, identify or investigate. All to be done through a committee of course. There is not a single objective, goal, or target. No process, no actions and no dates. Oh, by the way, not a sniff of a budget for the plan either. What the island needs to do to quickly improve things can be written on an A4 piece of paper, happy to do it is asked. A plan could be rolled out in weeks, worked over a few months with results in less than a year. Salesmen do this all day long. I'm off to buy a round.
And as if to prove my point, just ONE DAY after being voted in to office, the new representatives in Sark have already decided to target back office IT operations as part of their growth strategy! They're getting on with it indeed their ambitions extend to being a "global player". With everything that our island has to offer this sector and Lord knows how many more, we have had the advantage in the past and unless we act will lose that advantage in the future. As the Colonel said in the film Firefox, "You must act First Secretary, you must act".
I did notice, as others surely did, that during the recent elections Sark has had buckets of positive coverage on Channel Islands TV - the before the vote, even the during and the after vote results. The people this, the people that, Sir Norman doing his thing and what it all means for the dream island of Sark. Alderney on the other hand, at least as far as I am aware, had one or two 20 second one liners, people going to vote, vote counted. Nothing else whatsoever. WHO is running our PR? Tonight, Monday 17th, CITV put out an article about Alderney's waste and how it was mounting up because of the numbers of people leaving the island! They assumed people were abandoning their crappy furniture from their homes and offices. They did say we are good at handling the waste so that's probably OK then. WHO is handling our PR? They should be, .....no I'd better not.
No one is running the island's PR, the last one left and there is no plan to replace them! Except possibly for some friends of a civil servant, who might be awarded an off-island contract to market their vision.
I see this blog has died which is not a bad thing if the truth be told. Peoples comments do not change the way things are done it just shows how silly people can be on our lovely island. Most people that did write in didnt have a clue on what they were talking about anyway.I could talk the hind legs of a donkey about knitting because what i dont know about knitting is not worth knowing but who wants to hear about my skills. I have noticed when people write in to air their thoughts they only talk bad about other people or projects they never say how it should be done. What is the point in all this gald it has come to an end.
You have obviously missed the point. A blog is not where decisions are made but where people can comment, whinge and generally spout off about anything and everything. It makes us feel better.....and you're right about the knitting.
Dead right about the knitting. Where's the Economic Development Plan? Where's the Island Analysis Report? Where's the marketing plan? Where's the marina plan? Where's the Tougis deal got to? Or is everyone clearing snow?
Gone a bit quiet here Nigel?! Anyway, now the season is drawing to a close, the States have decided to smarten up the benches down at the harbour. Brilliant.
What's out there people?
ReplyDeleteA load of rubbish. Well done for giving the public a voice
DeleteWhy does the blog not accept so many replies? I have made a comment on most but only a few are shown, yet none was shown as rejected?
DeleteNot sure Rees, working on it....!
DeleteWine glass to the wall. Well done Alderney Native, let them know a mutiny is on the cards. Let them walk the plank and hopefully they will find the Davy Jones Locker. Salute Peter Radice who did all his own admin - who needs excess civil servants?
ReplyDeleteNigel, there is a simple answer to start solving these problems - open up peoples meetings to any questions. The more open the better. This a tiny island not a huge metropolis.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for setting this up a vox populi, but it is a sad commentary on those who are supposed to represent us.
Well done Nigel, for giving the public a voice. But it is a sad commentary on those who are supposed to represent us. Alderney is a tiny island not a huge metropolis.
ReplyDeleteIf they would open up peoples meetings to any questions the number of problems would soon become fewer, and the public would be able to contribute, instead of complain. It should be a no brainer, so why isn't it? What are they afraid of? Why not try it for a year and see?
Fabulous Blog!!! A great idea. A suggestion for a new heading is 'The Economic Plan'. The world is changing at a pace and IF this ever gets published it will already be out of date. Never mind it's only yours and my money going down the pan. SWOT... Superb Waste Of Time (and money)
ReplyDeleteIf the SWOT had been dealt with properly the economic plan could have been available a year ago. And to keep pace with events the plan needs to be updated evry year. It is never too late. But doing nothing would be a complete waste of our money.
DeleteSome other topics are
ReplyDelete1. the pump at the new water tower - underpowered??
2. the new road sweeper - bust and no parts
3. The Water Lane disgrace
4. The TOR and role of AHA. Why not first define the specific need, and only build new when there
are no empty houses to rescue
5. Why is the economic plan nearly an year late?
Why does it take so long for posts to appear? Several of mine for Saturday - now Sunday - are missing. Send me your e.mail address and i will pass them on to you
ReplyDeletei think the Island runs best on its current course using SNAFU (situation normal another F.... up)
ReplyDeleteSorry for the delay in publishing all the latest comments, please bear with me as I'm very new to this blogging game. Also going to my second quarry party in a week hasn't helped!
ReplyDeleteNigel, love the website. I expect it's going to get bigger than you planned and will become tricky to link the responses. Would it be a good idea to allocate each blog a id number or code? (Just a thought!)
ReplyDeleteIf it does get too big for Nigel to handle there are lots of options for something bigger :)
DeleteIf they could just trap all the Kinetic energy that you throw off on the dance floor at the quarry all our Islands energy needs would be taken care of.
ReplyDeleteMy biggest grip about Alderney at the moment is the humongous eyesore at the back of the island - a blooming double decker bus of all things, what on earth is it still doing there. I believe you wrote a piece on it recently. I think we should let some of the slightly more reckless youth know and get them to push it over!!! I now feel totally sorry for Mark Maurice and the problems he had with the hummers. This just should NOT have been let on the island to now rust up at one of our top beauty spots, blooming typical. PUSH IT OVER!
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree more Sam. Hard to understand how this has been allowed to remain here so long. What do you think Nige?
ReplyDeleteMy answer to this is clear for all to see. Read my letter in last edition of the journal.
ReplyDeleteYes but would you be so ambivalent about it if one of your neighbours had one parked in their garden, or worse still, parked on Longis Common, amongst the rockery? Think not. At the end of he day, no one needs a double decker bus on this place, and anyone who thinks is a sport to ruin everyone's enjoyment of our once beautiful scenery is just plain sad........
DeleteNige i think its unfair of you to criticize the old wreck at the tower -oh i get it now your talking about the bus !!
ReplyDeleteNigel on a different note "the UK government plans to tax offshore gambling operators" 15% the same as UK based operators, you can google this information. What will be the effect of this on Alderney Issued licences, should the states be ring fencing some of that gambling profits NOW and not squandering them.
ReplyDeleteNo one has raised this subject anywhere like the VAT loophole that was sealed, this has to have a huge effect on the local economy in both Guernsey and Alderney.
Thank you for raising this extremely important issue, Anonymous 14 August. Does your surname rhyme with Olympic Games?
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid this one is way over my head, maybe some other blogger in the know could help out here?
I'd just like to thank John Russell for promoting my blog on his show at Quay FM. If you're reading this John, it sure is raising some interesting points.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks again.
John Russell. My thanks to you Nigel. Keep it up
ReplyDeleteJohn, if you keep spreading the word and the blog address we might just be on to something here.
ReplyDeleteNot if you keep publishing spiteful hatred that has no bearing on any topic. Get real and get moderating.
DeleteNigel, I will try to be brief.
ReplyDeleteI suspect that your good idea is rebounding on you, as the comments are nearly all negative, particularly those sheltering behind aliases. By their increasingly poor performane over the last 5 years the States have made it very easy to criticise them - so many bad decisions, or no decision at all, and very litle public involvement.
But broadcsting that to the world could do more harm than good, and put people off coming here. I am not surprised that the States are enraged, but they created the problem with their poor performance, leaving a vacuum which you have filled. Ask them how they intend to improve things, but don't hold your breath.
Could I suggest that you open another section specifically for postive ideas, rather than criticisms? Alderney has so much to offer.
I think the solution lies in two things:
1. Opening up PMs to any questions. How can they refuse to answer questions from the people they
are supposed to represnt?
2. An Economic Plan that is approved by the public and progressed at PMs.
Sorry, a bit longer than I intended, but it is positive.
People often say that it is far easier to criticize than to praise. No, it's just as easy to praise if only our current States members could give us something to praise them for. I've asked a number of our current States members to name just 1 of their achievements, over the past year worthy of praise. Some looked back at me as if I 'd asked them a nuclear physics question, others just went blank. I then offered some help by suggesting the new water infrastructure that has been going on. Oh yes said one, praise that. Sadly I can only give the states a 50/50 on this (you readers might want to phone a friend here) and here are the reasons.
ReplyDelete1: I've seen my water rates rise quicker than the jib of a crane.
2.While the quantity has improved the quality is marginal. I was raised from birth on the old non filtered stuff and all thats happened to date is that my 6th toe on my right foot has dropped off. I now walk with a limp.
3. Our beautiful Island has been scared from White gates to the Light house right slap back, middle of our PEAK and ever decreasing summer season. Why, when we have 10/11 other months of the year do we choose to do this heavy and messy work? Have "the powers that be" forgotten how to write a diary? It's called planning guy's. Me thinks it was planned this way so that the workers could show off their six packs and get a sun tan to boot! Surely this work could have been done in the winter months, or could it be that this will clash with our new ski season?
So I am asking, no, I'm begging any one out there to give me something to praise.
As I have said it is very aasy to find things to rant about, but I suspect it won't change anything. If the States had some good ideas they would have surfaced by now, but they haven't. So is the answer to vote in a lot of new people? It did not work last time.
ReplyDeleteSo, in the vacuum that exists, the public have to show the way with positive ideas, not destructive criticism. Which is what I had hoped your blog would lead to.
I believe that a large part of the answer lies in opening up Peoples meetings, to give the public a real voice, and force the States to consider public reaction, in public. Try to work together, rather than throw brickbats.
ReplyDeleteI have always bought Alderney milk, and appreciate how hard the farmer and his family work, and am glad they are able to supply Alderney with milk, so why shoot himself in the foot, and withdraw all his products from the shelves of certain stores who dare to offer an alternative?
I understand the reason is because Le Coqs were asked by the Army to supply a large quantity of a special type of milk, which le Coqs supplied. Normal business as they do supply this every day. Kiln Farm heard about it and threw a hissy, and withdrew all their milk on the shelves and refused to supply any more. To any of the 3 le Coqs stores.
DeleteSo a problem NOT of the States making for a change. Although the States do provide Kiln farm with a hefty subsidy. Maybe that should be reviewed.
Presumably good news for the other shops which sell milk, but no incentive for many of us to buy other Kiln farm products - ice cream, cream, butter, meat, etc.
Don't be fooled thinking that this is the first time. This is a repeat of an incident a couple of years ago at Jeans Stores.
DeleteGiven the current global economical climate which Alderney is far from immune, surely we need leadership NOW more than ever, instead of the weak and frankly lame excuses we keep hearing our paid politicians coming out with. Sometimes less is more, so how about this for an idea. Reduce our current 10 states members down to 4 and involve the President more ,we might then see the committee pulling together and actually achieving something to brag about. It's got to be worth a try. I can't honestly remember a time when so many costly and poor decisions have been made in such a short period of time. To do nothing is to die.
ReplyDeleteAlmost right Nigel. Alderney should embrace the ‘Elected Mayor’ principle of local/regional government, although he/she can still be called President. The President has full executive power and is elected on a four year cycle; a re-call mechanism is incorporated into the system in case of abuse of power, the incumbent goes rogue or simply stuffs up big time during the electoral term. You have a smaller States, whose members are also elected and act in the scrutiny role, ensure transparency and hold the executive to account. This is the best way to ensure things actually get done; if the incumbent wants to get re-elected he has to live up to his electoral promises/manifesto and perform, because the electoral cycle is the ultimate arbitrator. I can think of a few Alderney residents who might fit the bill (and some who will think they do but in reality don’t!).
DeleteInteresting thought process "incoming" , our current President of the States has more commercial experience than practically any other elected member and certainly superior interpersonal skills and management experience i hope that he is given more access and involvement in the decision making process. I am always staggered by the amount of world class executives and decision makers with relevant experience in all types of industries on this Island why not use them as sounding boards and seek out their opinions and advice, why waste this talent pool.
DeleteThe sign of a clever man is one who knows what he does not know and plays to his strengths.
Matt Birmingham was charged with putting together a Skills Register nearly two years ago, I asked how it was progressing but cant recall much of a response.
DeleteMartin I would not be too concerned as I doubt if you would make the list
DeleteMore pointless attacks with no relevance anywhere in sight. Worthless.
DeleteThe latest idea froom the States - Ray Berry - to is to open committee meetings to representatives of Special Interest Groups. "OPEN GOVERNMENT??" A move in the right direction? To be presented to the P+F in December 2012. But no open questions at PMs.
DeleteWhat is a SIG? And how is it formed? I suggest we form 4.
- SAS - Save Alderney Society.
- FOLB - Friends of Longis Bay. We know who we are.
- BTTA - Better Transport to Alderney.
- HRA - Home Rule for Alderney. An opposing Government?
SAS, BTTA, and HRA will have many things in common. Sounds familiar.
Seriously though, what do you think of forming the SAS - sans uniform?
Its not worthless. Nigel is trying to keep it civil, but its also funny, which is why many of us read it. If somebody wants to have a little pop at Martin, I am sure he is more than able to match it or simply shrug it off. At least he doesn't hide behind his anonymity like you. And as soon as I work out how to, I will sign myself as Lee Flewitt. I can't stand him either.
DeleteDear Sir, I would like to complain most strongly about anything.
Reginald Blood (Mr)
Dear MR. Regional Blood, it would seam to me that you're doing a pretty good job of that already, but hey, this is a free world. If only it were a free Island, or at least run a little better.
ReplyDeleteWhich is why I stand shoulder to shoulder with you Brother, in the hope that one day change is made and we can rejoice in the knowledge that it was the people what done it.
ReplyDeleteNigel, my last shot.
ReplyDeleteLeadership at Alderney States is conspicuous by it's absence - not one of the three in charge shows any sign. President, CEO, Chairman of P+F. But ranting is likely to have the opposite effect that is needed - they will just dig in.
To accomplish change needs discussion, and some of the changes are significant. I think the major one is to replace committees with direct responsibility, so that an individual accepts direct responsibilty for an area of local government. And we could cut back to 6 SMs - 2 for Guernsey and 4 for Alderney, as I proposed some time ago. No interest.
But that will take time and a lot of discussion - not a bonfire in front of the Island Hall.
Which is why I think the answer lies in 2 things ;
1. An Island Plan which is progressed at Peoples meetings
2. Allow any questions at Peoples Meetings.
Change, as the peoploe want, will then happen. But it is "the people" not only those making the noise.
Rees, I will take onboard your advice. However, part of what you are asking is already in place, as far as know. Mr. Tugby is in responsible for all things to do with the Campsite. Mr. Kelly is responsible for all things to do with Harbour and Fisheries. You may want to ask who else is responsible for other things currently being strongly talked about?
ReplyDeleteNigel, they are not directly responsible. The committee to which they report is. They cannot make any real decisions without the committee approving them. The committee may support them or not.
ReplyDeleteAnd then it has to go to the States for final approval.
If we had the famous Economic plan each activity should be the direct responsibility of a person - SM or official. They should set start and end dates for the details of what they are going to do.
Then progress that on a regular basis. That is how successful organisations work - and so could we if we make the right decisions on the way forward. For activity read "improving transport options" for example.
We could go on playing verbal tennis for ages, but I suspect we would run out of balls. no pun intended.
Nigel, can you create a topic for the Duty Free concession? To my mind this is an absolutely vital service that has the potential to encourage many more private boats and planes to visit.
ReplyDeleteThats why we have duty free on the island
DeleteMartin, I'm getting some expert help with the set up of my blog this week. Hopefully it will become easier for me to use and set up different posts. Watch this space.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Martin althogh it should be realised that in Jersey Duty Free prices are significantly lower than here. Eg Litre of Famous Grouse £11 in jersey. £15 here. Is this the ever present hand of Guernsey or some other pressure
ReplyDeleteI suspect it is the consequences of the States legitimising a monopoply provider. Why is duty free a 'concession'? Either the Island is duty free or it isn't. If all licensed premises were allowed to offer duty free would not the resulting competition force down prices? I do not understand this at all, but no doubt I am missing some historical context for the concession basis!
DeleteWalking past Le Cocqs at 0830 saw that peace talks must have been successful as the farmer delivered milk. Right behind him was young Tugby delivering a pallet of Cravendale.
ReplyDeleteI've just had my first experience with a personal attack on a fellow blogger. This was never my intension and certainly not the direction I want my blog to go. Therefore any future comments containing personal attacks will NOT be published. I would also prefer bloggers not to hide behind the anonymous button and sign off openly.
To all you footy fans out there. Get yourselves out to the Mount hale football pitch this Saturday 26th Aug. This match is going to be bigger than any premier game you're likely to see this coming season! COME ON YOU BLUES.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone up date me on the crane situation. Or, are the people responsible having counseling just like the people responsible for giving away £2.6 million of tax payers money?
ReplyDeleteI think whats shown here is that if the cable was here for several months and not installed as per the expert reports recommendation it hardly instills confidence that the harbour should purchase a 750 K crane ,to rent one with a service agreement included has to be the way forward.
ReplyDeleteCapital depreciation(over ten years) on the purchase cost will outweigh the cost of any rental agreement(with service contract) in the long term remember what Jimmy Goldsmith used as his great mantra if it Floats,Flys or.... lifts heavy freight rent it.
From reading all this verbiage , I see Alderney " a cross between St. Kilda and Brigadoon."
ReplyDeleteBrigadoon appeared every 100 years for one day and St Kilda was evacuated in the 1930s,just like Alderney, not ten years later, but Alderney was re- popoulated and has thrived and prospered and has an enviable way of life which people want to see maintained, dozens of Johny come latelys and big time charlies have come to Alderney to try and change the way of live here and few have stayed and even fewer have succeeded, no one objects to gradual change but guarding what is fantastic about this UNIQUE island is worth fighting for and Nigel like his father before him does not want to see any harm come to this magic place, a little satirical blogging and a little accountability for poor decision making is not going to kill anyone, Alderney is like marmite you love it or hate it-i hate marmite but love Alderney just the way it is !
ReplyDeleteWell said!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 12 Sep definitely has the right attitude. What which is best about Alderney is worth preserving and even fighting for. Our low crime, trusting way of doing things is nearly unique in the world. That the world is changing at a breakneck speed, and not to the benefit of Alderney, is even more reason we all need to PROACTIVELY work to preserve what we have. If we don't, if we just float along, soon all the best of what is Alderney will be gone. Lets unite to keep Alderney the lovely place it is - for all of us.
ReplyDeleteSo Guernsey get to drop £80 million on their runway. We need to spend 400K to keep our grass runway up and running and all hell breaks loose, WHY? If the States of Guernsey hadn't given away £2.6 million of our tax we would be able to afford the upgrade 6 times over! The amount they are spending trying to recover the 2.6 would probably be enough to pay for the upgrade at least twice.
ReplyDeleteSo yet another local business is being off loaded to someone off lsland. I am referring to the ALDERNEY duty free which is now going to be run by a company from Guernsey. Yes they will employ some people on the island but all the profits will leave Alderney.
ReplyDeleteFirst the campsite and now the duty free, what is next. Am I missing something here?????
why didn't you tender for it? It was open to anyone.
DeleteActually I did......
DeleteI'm afraid Alderney will continue to decline unless Guernsey start to believe in us and accept that we are part of the Bailiwick. Taking our only source of revenue, shutting our runways, reducing our airport operating hours will not help anyone. A health Alderney would mean more tax paid to Guernsey,a case of you scratch our back and we scratch yours, surely that would be the best option.
ReplyDeleteAs far as our new economic development plan and marketing strategy our States needs to deliver NOW, or I'm afraid they may end up lost in the Christmas post!!
Why are the Police asking people to lock up their fuel tanks?
ReplyDeleteWhy are they NOT asking us to be vigilant and advertising a number to call if we see something suspicious?
Get off the golf course and talk to people, find the few criminals that there are and then enjoy a peaceful life with the rest of us. What next? Fit window locks and dare not venture out after dark?
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt that the trust you place in Guernsey adopting a responsible position in terms of its relationship with Alderney is well meant and for all the right reasons but I think that, in this instance, you are completely wrong. It is self-evident that – from its actions over many years and not just the past few months – Guernsey does not really care what happens in or to Alderney or its residents and businesses. There is no empathy or sympathy evident in Guernsey’s decision-making at all. Its politicians and civil servants are totally Guernsey-centric.
Guernsey is waking up – somewhat belatedly, it is true – to the fact that the Global economic climate has changed for good and its financial services sector is really beginning to see the effects of that. As a consequence, significant purse string tightening by the States of Guernsey is, quite naturally, the order of the day; Alderney is but one ‘easy target’ cost centre.
With this scenario in mind, a future outside of the Baliwick must be a serious option for Alderney. Until, however, we are allowed to see and understand the FULL Alderney budget numbers – not just the 30% or so that the States of Alderney voted through a couple of weeks ago – even a preliminary debate on the viability of this option is out of the question.
The cloak of secrecy which covers the Guernsey tax take and the true cost of the transferred services is obviously of great benefit to Guernsey but is becoming ever more damaging to Alderney’s long term interests. It also represents a democratic deficit of which a Dictator in a third world banana republic would be proud.
If the new States of Alderney members who we elect in a couple of weeks time address only this issue in their first 6 months it would be a huge step forward for the Island.
Any chance of a thread where I can ridicule prospective States members manifestos?
ReplyDeleteMr. Blood, somehow I don't think you are taking this most important up and coming election seriously? You will have 4 years to ridicule when the new States are sworn in. "He's allowed me to go to the mountain and I've looked over, and I've seen the promise land! I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promise land".
DeleteNow that the long awaited financial development plan has been published, is it me or am I missing something? Since Island Analysis were appointed some 18 months ago, and following consultation with the island's people and the consumption of goodness knows how much time and cost to the States, one of the main outputs of the "plan" is the issuing by the States of a Consultation Document. Laugh, I nearly bought a round! The Future Economic Development Plan, some 79 pages long, is full of recommendations mostly prefaced with words like, evaluate, discuss, consider, identify or investigate. All to be done through a committee of course. There is not a single objective, goal, or target. No process, no actions and no dates. Oh, by the way, not a sniff of a budget for the plan either. What the island needs to do to quickly improve things can be written on an A4 piece of paper, happy to do it is asked. A plan could be rolled out in weeks, worked over a few months with results in less than a year. Salesmen do this all day long. I'm off to buy a round.
ReplyDeleteAnd as if to prove my point, just ONE DAY after being voted in to office, the new representatives in Sark have already decided to target back office IT operations as part of their growth strategy! They're getting on with it indeed their ambitions extend to being a "global player". With everything that our island has to offer this sector and Lord knows how many more, we have had the advantage in the past and unless we act will lose that advantage in the future. As the Colonel said in the film Firefox, "You must act First Secretary, you must act".
ReplyDeleteI did notice, as others surely did, that during the recent elections Sark has had buckets of positive coverage on Channel Islands TV - the before the vote, even the during and the after vote results. The people this, the people that, Sir Norman doing his thing and what it all means for the dream island of Sark. Alderney on the other hand, at least as far as I am aware, had one or two 20 second one liners, people going to vote, vote counted. Nothing else whatsoever. WHO is running our PR? Tonight, Monday 17th, CITV put out an article about Alderney's waste and how it was mounting up because of the numbers of people leaving the island! They assumed people were abandoning their crappy furniture from their homes and offices. They did say we are good at handling the waste so that's probably OK then. WHO is handling our PR? They should be, .....no I'd better not.
ReplyDeleteNo one is running the island's PR, the last one left and there is no plan to replace them! Except possibly for some friends of a civil servant, who might be awarded an off-island contract to market their vision.
ReplyDeleteI see this blog has died which is not a bad thing if the truth be told. Peoples comments do not change the way things are done it just shows how silly people can be on our lovely island. Most people that did write in didnt have a clue on what they were talking about anyway.I could talk the hind legs of a donkey about knitting because what i dont know about knitting is not worth knowing but who wants to hear about my skills. I have noticed when people write in to air their thoughts they only talk bad about other people or projects they never say how it should be done. What is the point in all this gald it has come to an end.
ReplyDeleteYou have obviously missed the point. A blog is not where decisions are made but where people can comment, whinge and generally spout off about anything and everything.
ReplyDeleteIt makes us feel better.....and you're right about the knitting.
Dead right about the knitting. Where's the Economic Development Plan? Where's the Island Analysis Report? Where's the marketing plan? Where's the marina plan? Where's the Tougis deal got to? Or is everyone clearing snow?
ReplyDeleteAm sat watching the news tonight, Jersey, Guernsey, Sark EVEN Jethou all on the tele!
ReplyDeleteGone a bit quiet here Nigel?!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, now the season is drawing to a close, the States have decided to smarten up the benches down at the harbour. Brilliant.