Who was it that said "The natives are revolting"? Well this one certainly is!!
This is Nigel's blog for airing concerns about current issues on Alderney, and he invites you to comment too. Add your own thoughts be they humorous, insulting, satirical, critical or even full of praise. This is your chance to join the revolution!
UCP Group
According to the article in the local press UCP Group's directors promised to have a public presentation to the island in July - did they mean this year? I have seen more activity on a snail farm - just what is going on?!
Why was the Connaught declared so unfit for a retiremnet home that we had to build a new one at great cost, yet now it can be changed into a top class hotel for £200,000? And there are other disturbing questions about this development. I can see why Alderney is attractive to them, but not why they are attractive to Alderney. Would someone - who? - define a simple cost-benefit analysis?
What do we gain? And what will it cost, not only in financial terms? Does anyone know? If not why not?
I'm at a lose here as to why Fort Albert is being revamped before the"Quintessential Victorian Hotel" is up and running? UCP Group have hardly given me any confidence here "when you do things properly" surely you stick to your word and do a public presentation on time? Must be time for tea Mr. Bond!
Some questions I would like the answers to- What deal have they got on the connaught? How long is the lease and how much are they paying? I didn't see the property on the lease market, did anyone else? What makes Alderney attractive to them? Are they exploiting a loophole in our gun laws? If so, what effect will this have on our reputation? Again, a lot seems to have happened without the public knowing.
Our gun laws are excellent. Unless the States decide to change them of course.
As it stands they must be a club licensd by The Bailiff in order to own firearms as a group, for the use of members under strict supervision. Otherwise each of their trainees will need to apply for their own license.
Martin it seems someone knows better! They also seem to know what you know - intriguing! Who is this mysterious associate of yours, who knows you well enough to tell the world what you are thinking?? Perhaps they will continue to police cyberspace looking for others with opinions, or perhaps they are only interested in single attacks made from behind a veil of anonymity?
Oops, there I go! Asking questions, that is almost as bad as having a view on something!
If people on the island got on with what they are meant to be doing rather then thinking they know what other people should be doing it would be a much better island to live on. Martin Smith thinks he knows everything about everything but in reality he knows nothing about everything that is why he is so good at nothing. Keep up the good work Martin (hasn't got a clue) Smith.
Believe me Martin, if they had any courage in their convictions they wouldn't have to. The fact that you have your name all over your's is proof enough of your integrity so don't waste time worrying about the opinions of lesser men than you. As for you, anonymouse, stop squeaking at the lions.
Hello to all the Alderney islanders from Criss Watts the CEO of the UCP Group of companies. I am not one for forums as I have not the time or energy to answer every question from every one who believes they are an expert in everything, (this is not just your forum but all forums)so I thought it may be polite to announce why we are here and why we have not had an open day so far. We are setting up a new business arm of UCP Group called "UCP Alderney" to cover not only security training but corporate events such as bonding and adventure holidays, we have had no so called open day because we would like to brush the dust away to uncover our plans in a clearer projection and we would also like to run our first executive close protection course to make sure UCP are suitable for your island. So far we have found the friendliness of the locals and residents overwhelming and can only thank you for that. Of course we understand the reasons why there may be some concern to some of you, especially as we were a hostile operations company protecting at the highest threat levels before becoming one of the best known names in hostile environment security training. We have our reasons for choosing Alderney, just like we had our reasons choosing the other 7 academies worldwide. As far as snail like workmanship well, I can only state this; "most of my staff are working on multiple projects around the world and I, being a keen observer before taking action thought it may be conservative to begin at a slow place making sure we don't disturb anyone's way of life whilst implementing these changes" (I hope you respect and understand this) The work has now started at Fort Albert and the former Connaught and this will be an ongoing progress of restoration for the next 15 years. We hope to deliver the finest security training complex worldwide attracting security companies, the rich and famous and high net individuals globally to take part in island life, sailing, shooting, fishing and adventure breaks. We will have an official open day and this will be notified to all Alderney locals and residents within the next month. I hope this has answered some of your questions and please allow me plenty of time to respond to other quires as I am off to Africa for the next 12 day before returning to Alderney for a few weeks. I will meet any one, any where to discuss what we are doing and believe our move to Alderney will benefit both parties (Alderney and UCP Group)you can find me in the Georgian for breakfast or at Rea's or the Braye on sunny evenings.
At the same time that UCP publish all their business details, the butcher, the baker and the candle-stick maker should all do the same. In fact, Martin Smith, you can lead the way. What is your income, where does it come from, how do you spend it? Do you lease your home? Perhaps you will publish the terms of your lease. And while you are at it, perhpas you would explain just what is it that you contribute to the well being of Alderney. Why are you here ? Would Alderney be a better place without you?
Or shall we encourage new business and new investment to Alderney. New business that will bring a much needed increase in turnover for the local shops, farmers, trades-people. New business that will assist our tourist industry to expand. If UCP can bring new adventure holiday makers to the island, that can only benifit us all.
Certainly bring more benifit than Martin Smith will ever bring !!
ATTENTION ALL BLOGGERS OLD AND NEW. I've just had my first experience with a personal attack on a fellow blogger. This was never my intension and certainly not the direction I want my blog to go. Therefore any future comments containing personal attacks will NOT be published. I would also prefer bloggers not to hide behind the anonymous button and sign off openly.
I appreciate the fact that Chris Watts went on record on this blog and i wish him every success with his new venture on Alderney but i would like to make an observation about one part of what he wrote "We hope to deliver the finest security training complex worldwide attracting security companies, the rich and famous and high net individuals globally to take part in island life, sailing, shooting, fishing and adventure breaks " -rich and famous, and high net worth individuals are very unlikely to stay at the connaught hotel unless you spend tens if not hundreds of thousands with local builders making it fit for purpose but i am hoping you prove us cynics wrong and no doubt the states have retained some kind of security deposit, however small as a token of good faith against a 25 year lease ?
I can confirm the States of Alderney are holding a big fat 0 when it comes to a security deposit. Mr. Watts and company have got our States by the short and curly's on this one. Will they ever learn?
Saw you on the YouTube clip of the open day. What are your thoughts on the venture Nigel? Do you think it will be good for Alderney? I must say I find it rather worrying. I am not sure if teaching people to use guns is what we want to put us on the map. We are all in favour of encouraging new business to the island, but is this the type of business we want?
Back in early July I wrote to all States members, the President, and Roy Burke airing my concerns and asked 12 important questions regarding this new business. I received 1 reply from a States member and what I considered to be very weak,at best,answers from Mr.Burke. Only time will tell, but i wouldn't hold your breath.
I'd like to thank UCP Group for holding an open day at Fort Albert on Saturday. It's just a shame the people of Alderney weren't given more advanced notice, then perhaps more people would have attended. Mr. Beaman certainly needed no protection from a "screaming mob of youngsters" as like many of the States members who voted for this new enterprise were simply, nowhere to be seen. I did see some rather shady characters doing nothing in a corner though.... maybe they were there after all!!!!
Somehow I don't think U.C.P. Group treated their open day with quite the same attitude as John Beaman - chairman of policy and finance, who describes it as " a good laugh". Was this the States way of thinking when they gave the Connaught and Fort Albert over to them? Oh, and did any one of the States members actually read the lease agreement that has be signed?
I for one think that UCP should be given the time to prove themselves. It's a shame that whenever something new or different comes to Alderney some people have to be so negative and write the venture off before it gets started. If this training facility is a success it could bring more revenue to the island which has to be good for all. I seem to remember negative attitudes to 'sportingbet' when they first started here. Look at the revenue we get from online gambling now. Not such a bad thing after all. Give UCP a chance who knows it may actually work.
Ollie, this is only going to work if UCP start paying their bills in FULL. What sort of an impression are they making with local tradesman and businesses when people have to wait an age for their money? What do you consider to be a reasonable amount of time to "prove themselves"? After all, you never a second chance to make a first impression!
Forgive my ignorance, but I really can't see how this business will be good for our economy. The students do not go out, do not spend money in shops and restaurants etc. I really hope that the rent that the states is getting for the Connaught and fort Albert is so great that it makes up for the possible effect that haing such a business here has on our reputation as a tourist destination and a safe place to live
They do go out (I've seen them!) Money will be spent in shops as assume they have to eat whilst they are here. Electricity gas ect ect will be consumed at the connaught. Aurigny fly them here & back. I see all this as contributing to the economy. As for our reputation, they are hardly roaming the streets with guns out. They train in a controlled environment which has no more effect on tourism as the army do when training in the open countryside of England & Wales!!! Give them a chance and stop whinging about them!
Yes but should the states be sponsoring this venture? Is it really that good for the economy? Seems like they have duped the states into leasing them the building under the pretence of turning it into a hotel. It seems however that they are just using it as a boarding house. Perhaps the Connaught should have been advertised as a property available for long lease, and maybe a business which would better benefit the island could have had the chance to rent it.
I really find it difficult to understand why this blog is generally so anti UCP. What have they actually done to upset any normal person on this island? They have been here since about August this year and in that time they have made major moves in converting the States made rubbish dump in Fort Albert into a useable area. They have worked with the gun club in planing improvements in the facility. They have decorated and made repairs to the internal areas of the Connaught and hosted a few training courses already. In this time they have given new trade to the local shops and wholesalers, given work to local tradesman (yes, I am one of them and have seen the work they are doing and the improvements they are making. The Connaught is going to be a really nice place by the time they finish it, which I am told will be ready at the start of the tourist trade next year. According to their open day they are targeting "Adventure holiday makers" to use the new facilities at Fort Albert. This will be more new business for the island. So why the downer on them by some people? I have meet and worked with the guys at UCP. They are nice normal guys geting their hands dirty, cleaning and making improvements to both Fort Albert and the Connaught. Their students are respectful, nice young men who have been eating and spending in local shops. So whats the problem? Leave them alone or actively support them, which ever you want to do, but give them time and space to get on with their plans so we can all benefit in the future from new business. If we need something to complain about, how about complaining about the businesses that take advantage of the tourist trade, but then close up and go away during the winter, leaving the rest of us to get on with it on our own !!
If you are so confident all of the above is going to happen, why havn't you the courage to put your name to it ? If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
It will take more than a tin of paint to make the Connaught "a really nice place" Still, good to see at least one happy local tradesman - there are a couple still waiting to be paid for work done. It's actually quite probable that anonymous above is really part of the UCP PR machine, but we will never know.
I attended UCP's open day at fort Albert and I asked a very simple question, "Who was responsible for paying for clearing the fort and for on going works"? The answer given by the CEO of UCP Group Mr. Criss Watts was, " UCP will be paying for EVERYTHING and we are going to rebuild this fort brick by brick entirely at our expense". This he repeated a number of times to the gallery. I can confirm that as of this date Mr.Tugby has NOT been paid by either the States or UCP Group. Why should the tax payers be covering bills that UCP Group clearly owe? Is this the start of things to come, local businesses not getting paid? I say again, if something sounds too good.....
So the " Quintessential Victorian Hotel " is " unlikely to open by this summer ". Well there's a surprise.... Not. UCP Group have had our States over a barrel, with their trousers down, slapping their bare arses. Now they have rolled them over and are tickling their tummies! Will they ever learn?
Yes, these cowboys have fled the island, leaving a whole lot of debt and destruction in their wake. Just as the old native predicted! This blog has ran it's course, I really didn't think people were still using/reading it. You are the first person to use it in nearly 2 years.
Can anyone update me on this?
ReplyDeleteWell they moved a container load of stuff into the Conno yesterday I think...
DeleteThat was just the AK 47s and Sam 7 s
Deletewell the two tubs of pollyfilla purchased so far from Blanchards prove that this is a racing certainty.watch this space.
ReplyDeleteDescribed by some as a multi million pound project, that will have a Michelin star restaurant among other features.
Deletethey will do as soon as they can translate the presentation into English from its eastern bloc mercenary lingo.
ReplyDeleteIt was actually 3 tubs and a tube of stix like as they are doing up fort Albert as well .
ReplyDeleteWhy was the Connaught declared so unfit for a retiremnet home that we had to build a new one at great cost, yet now it can be changed into a top class hotel for £200,000? And there are other disturbing questions about this development. I can see why Alderney is attractive to them, but not why they are attractive to Alderney. Would someone - who? - define a simple cost-benefit analysis?
ReplyDeleteWhat do we gain? And what will it cost, not only in financial terms? Does anyone know? If not why not?
The name is Bond, unibond, licensed to fill
ReplyDeleteThat is more true than you know, or perhaps you do! :)
ReplyDeleteNigel, did you get my email about this?
I'm at a lose here as to why Fort Albert is being revamped before the"Quintessential Victorian Hotel" is up and running? UCP Group have hardly given me any confidence here "when you do things properly" surely you stick to your word and do a public presentation on time? Must be time for tea Mr. Bond!
ReplyDeleteSome questions I would like the answers to-
ReplyDeleteWhat deal have they got on the connaught? How long is the lease and how much are they paying? I didn't see the property on the lease market, did anyone else?
What makes Alderney attractive to them? Are they exploiting a loophole in our gun laws? If so, what effect will this have on our reputation? Again, a lot seems to have happened without the public knowing.
I would also like to know what the leasing arrangements are. I thought the building was up for sale not for lease! Is this another "Tourgis" deal?
DeleteOur gun laws are excellent. Unless the States decide to change them of course.
DeleteAs it stands they must be a club licensd by The Bailiff in order to own firearms as a group, for the use of members under strict supervision. Otherwise each of their trainees will need to apply for their own license.
Martin it seems someone knows better! They also seem to know what you know - intriguing! Who is this mysterious associate of yours, who knows you well enough to tell the world what you are thinking?? Perhaps they will continue to police cyberspace looking for others with opinions, or perhaps they are only interested in single attacks made from behind a veil of anonymity?
DeleteOops, there I go! Asking questions, that is almost as bad as having a view on something!
If people on the island got on with what they are meant to be doing rather then thinking they know what other people should be doing it would be a much better island to live on. Martin Smith thinks he knows everything about everything but in reality he knows nothing about everything that is why he is so good at nothing. Keep up the good work Martin (hasn't got a clue) Smith.
ReplyDeleteI am surprised and disappointed that Nigel has published a personal attack from someone hiding behind anonymity. I had higher hopes for this blog.
DeleteBelieve me Martin, if they had any courage in their convictions they wouldn't have to. The fact that you have your name all over your's is proof enough of your integrity so don't waste time worrying about the opinions of lesser men than you. As for you, anonymouse, stop squeaking at the lions.
DeleteHello to all the Alderney islanders from Criss Watts the CEO of the UCP Group of companies.
ReplyDeleteI am not one for forums as I have not the time or energy to answer every question from every one who believes they are an expert in everything, (this is not just your forum but all forums)so I thought it may be polite to announce why we are here and why we have not had an open day so far.
We are setting up a new business arm of UCP Group called "UCP Alderney" to cover not only security training but corporate events such as bonding and adventure holidays, we have had no so called open day because we would like to brush the dust away to uncover our plans in a clearer projection and we would also like to run our first executive close protection course to make sure UCP are suitable for your island. So far we have found the friendliness of the locals and residents overwhelming and can only thank you for that. Of course we understand the reasons why there may be some concern to some of you, especially as we were a hostile operations company protecting at the highest threat levels before becoming one of the best known names in hostile environment security training. We have our reasons for choosing Alderney, just like we had our reasons choosing the other 7 academies worldwide. As far as snail like workmanship well, I can only state this; "most of my staff are working on multiple projects around the world and I, being a keen observer before taking action thought it may be conservative to begin at a slow place making sure we don't disturb anyone's way of life whilst implementing these changes" (I hope you respect and understand this)
The work has now started at Fort Albert and the former Connaught and this will be an ongoing progress of restoration for the next 15 years. We hope to deliver the finest security training complex worldwide attracting security companies, the rich and famous and high net individuals globally to take part in island life, sailing, shooting, fishing and adventure breaks.
We will have an official open day and this will be notified to all Alderney locals and residents within the next month.
I hope this has answered some of your questions and please allow me plenty of time to respond to other quires as I am off to Africa for the next 12 day before returning to Alderney for a few weeks.
I will meet any one, any where to discuss what we are doing and believe our move to Alderney will benefit both parties (Alderney and UCP Group)you can find me in the Georgian for breakfast or at Rea's or the Braye on sunny evenings.
All the best and you have a beautiful island
At the same time that UCP publish all their business details, the butcher, the baker and the candle-stick maker should all do the same. In fact, Martin Smith, you can lead the way. What is your income, where does it come from, how do you spend it? Do you lease your home? Perhaps you will publish the terms of your lease. And while you are at it, perhpas you would explain just what is it that you contribute to the well being of Alderney. Why are you here ? Would Alderney be a better place without you?
ReplyDeleteOr shall we encourage new business and new investment to Alderney. New business that will bring a much needed increase in turnover for the local shops, farmers, trades-people. New business that will assist our tourist industry to expand. If UCP can bring new adventure holiday makers to the island, that can only benifit us all.
Certainly bring more benifit than Martin Smith will ever bring !!
Why attacked someone in this way?
DeleteWhat has been done to you, another anonymous blog poster??
WHO ASKED UCP OR ANYONE TO PUBLISH THEIR BUSINESS DETAILS. In fact, why are you targeting individuals when there are so many people contributing here?
Nigel, if you are approving these posts then I am disgusted. If you are not, then I hope you clean up quickly!
ReplyDeleteI've just had my first experience with a personal attack on a fellow blogger. This was never my intension and certainly not the direction I want my blog to go. Therefore any future comments containing personal attacks will NOT be published. I would also prefer bloggers not to hide behind the anonymous button and sign off openly.
Perhaps this has got something to do with the reason they are here......./
I appreciate the fact that Chris Watts went on record on this blog and i wish him every success with his new venture on Alderney but i would like to make an observation about one part of what he wrote "We hope to deliver the finest security training complex worldwide attracting security companies, the rich and famous and high net individuals globally to take part in island life, sailing, shooting, fishing and adventure breaks " -rich and famous, and high net worth individuals are very unlikely to stay at the connaught hotel unless you spend tens if not hundreds of thousands with local builders making it fit for purpose but i am hoping you prove us cynics wrong and no doubt the states have retained some kind of security deposit, however small as a token of good faith against a 25 year lease ?
ReplyDeleteI can confirm the States of Alderney are holding a big fat 0 when it comes to a security deposit. Mr. Watts and company have got our States by the short and curly's on this one. Will they ever learn?
ReplyDeleteSaw you on the YouTube clip of the open day. What are your thoughts on the venture Nigel? Do you think it will be good for Alderney? I must say I find it rather worrying. I am not sure if teaching people to use guns is what we want to put us on the map. We are all in favour of encouraging new business to the island, but is this the type of business we want?
ReplyDeleteBack in early July I wrote to all States members, the President, and Roy Burke airing my concerns and asked 12 important questions regarding this new business. I received 1 reply from a States member and what I considered to be very weak,at best,answers from Mr.Burke. Only time will tell, but i wouldn't hold your breath.
DeleteI'd like to thank UCP Group for holding an open day at Fort Albert on Saturday. It's just a shame the people of Alderney weren't given more advanced notice, then perhaps more people would have attended. Mr. Beaman certainly needed no protection from a "screaming mob of youngsters" as like many of the States members who voted for this new enterprise were simply, nowhere to be seen. I did see some rather shady characters doing nothing in a corner though.... maybe they were there after all!!!!
ReplyDeleteSomehow I don't think U.C.P. Group treated their open day with quite the same attitude as John Beaman - chairman of policy and finance, who describes it as " a good laugh". Was this the States way of thinking when they gave the Connaught and Fort Albert over to them? Oh, and did any one of the States members actually read the lease agreement that has be signed?
ReplyDeleteI for one think that UCP should be given the time to prove themselves. It's a shame that whenever something new or different comes to Alderney some people have to be so negative and write the venture off before it gets started. If this training facility is a success it could bring more revenue to the island which has to be good for all. I seem to remember negative attitudes to 'sportingbet' when they first started here. Look at the revenue we get from online gambling now. Not such a bad thing after all. Give UCP a chance who knows it may actually work.
ReplyDeleteOllie, this is only going to work if UCP start paying their bills in FULL. What sort of an impression are they making with local tradesman and businesses when people have to wait an age for their money? What do you consider to be a reasonable amount of time to "prove themselves"? After all, you never a second chance to make a first impression!
DeleteWork permits? Accommodation licence? How corrupt are the states?
ReplyDeleteForgive my ignorance, but I really can't see how this business will be good for our economy. The students do not go out, do not spend money in shops and restaurants etc. I really hope that the rent that the states is getting for the Connaught and fort Albert is so great that it makes up for the possible effect that haing such a business here has on our reputation as a tourist destination and a safe place to live
ReplyDeleteThey do go out (I've seen them!) Money will be spent in shops as assume they have to eat whilst they are here. Electricity gas ect ect will be consumed at the connaught. Aurigny fly them here & back. I see all this as contributing to the economy. As for our reputation, they are hardly roaming the streets with guns out. They train in a controlled environment which has no more effect on tourism as the army do when training in the open countryside of England & Wales!!! Give them a chance and stop whinging about them!
ReplyDeleteYes but should the states be sponsoring this venture? Is it really that good for the economy? Seems like they have duped the states into leasing them the building under the pretence of turning it into a hotel. It seems however that they are just using it as a boarding house. Perhaps the Connaught should have been advertised as a property available for long lease, and maybe a business which would better benefit the island could have had the chance to rent it.
ReplyDeleteI really find it difficult to understand why this blog is generally so anti UCP. What have they actually done to upset any normal person on this island? They have been here since about August this year and in that time they have made major moves in converting the States made rubbish dump in Fort Albert into a useable area. They have worked with the gun club in planing improvements in the facility. They have decorated and made repairs to the internal areas of the Connaught and hosted a few training courses already. In this time they have given new trade to the local shops and wholesalers, given work to local tradesman (yes, I am one of them and have seen the work they are doing and the improvements they are making. The Connaught is going to be a really nice place by the time they finish it, which I am told will be ready at the start of the tourist trade next year. According to their open day they are targeting "Adventure holiday makers" to use the new facilities at Fort Albert. This will be more new business for the island. So why the downer on them by some people? I have meet and worked with the guys at UCP. They are nice normal guys geting their hands dirty, cleaning and making improvements to both Fort Albert and the Connaught. Their students are respectful, nice young men who have been eating and spending in local shops. So whats the problem? Leave them alone or actively support them, which ever you want to do, but give them time and space to get on with their plans so we can all benefit in the future from new business. If we need something to complain about, how about complaining about the businesses that take advantage of the tourist trade, but then close up and go away during the winter, leaving the rest of us to get on with it on our own !!
ReplyDeleteIf you are so confident all of the above is going to happen, why havn't you the courage to put your name to it ? If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
DeleteIt will take more than a tin of paint to make the Connaught "a really nice place"
ReplyDeleteStill, good to see at least one happy local tradesman - there are a couple still waiting to be paid for work done.
It's actually quite probable that anonymous above is really part of the UCP PR machine, but we will never know.
Adventure holidays. I will believe it when I see it.
ReplyDeleteI thought Tugby was paid by The States to clear out the junk from Albert?
ReplyDeleteI attended UCP's open day at fort Albert and I asked a very simple question, "Who was responsible for paying for clearing the fort and for on going works"? The answer given by the CEO of UCP Group Mr. Criss Watts was, " UCP will be paying for EVERYTHING and we are going to rebuild this fort brick by brick entirely at our expense". This he repeated a number of times to the gallery. I can confirm that as of this date Mr.Tugby has NOT been paid by either the States or UCP Group.
DeleteWhy should the tax payers be covering bills that UCP Group clearly owe? Is this the start of things to come, local businesses not getting paid? I say again, if something sounds too good.....
Why would they rebuild the entire fort, when their lease is just for the indoor range?
DeleteI heard they have an agreement to use the club outdoor range and the general areas, but they do not have exclusive access do they?
Paintball?! What a laugh, I hope their new guns are all licensed properly.
ReplyDeletePerhaps they should aim their paintball guns at the Connaught at least then it might get a coat of paint!!
DeleteHave they done a runner yet?
ReplyDeleteSo the " Quintessential Victorian Hotel " is " unlikely to open by this summer ". Well there's a surprise.... Not. UCP Group have had our States over a barrel, with their trousers down, slapping their bare arses. Now they have rolled them over and are tickling their tummies! Will they ever learn?
ReplyDeleteI was thinking of moving to Alderney, are these cowboys still in residence or have they flit the island now?
ReplyDeleteYes, these cowboys have fled the island, leaving a whole lot of debt and destruction in their wake. Just as the old native predicted!
ReplyDeleteThis blog has ran it's course, I really didn't think people were still using/reading it.
You are the first person to use it in nearly 2 years.