Saturday, 5 October 2013

UCP Group

Just like the footy fans chant when the other team scores.... It's all gone quiet over there!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


What are our States on? Fancy allowing work to commence on the quay during our peak summer season. The Braye Beach Hotel and all the visiting yachts must be well impressed!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


Will "Mackley" be ploughing a huge landing craft right through the daft raft race and dumping hundreds of tons of granite right in the middle of the sand castle competition?

Friday, 29 March 2013


Sad to see that Tony has resigned. Let's hope there is someone out there big enough to fill his shoes?


No seats available for Easter. Is this a chicken and egg situation?

UCP Paintballing day

Great though it was for a few local kids, this will hardly get the "quintessential Victorian hotel" up and running by July!

Here's an Idea...

Why doesn't the States build an indoor swimming pool and gym at the campsite?!  After all they seem hell bent on wasting our tax payers' money!