French Connection

With a 1 hour time difference, language barrier, euro, and completely different culture I can't see how this will ever work.


  1. well in a few weeks time we will be connected to the French grid so you better get prepared for the french invasion of our culture.

    1. and just how are we going to connect to the french grid...? I don't know anyone with an 8 mile extension you, whoever you are?

  2. We've already been invaded by the English ,so i cant see a problem with another one, lets hope they bring fresh fruit an veg with them .

  3. i have worked out if every native volunteers there extension cable, we should have about 6.8 miles of extension cord so all we have to find is about 1.2 miles more and we are plugged in, maybe a few Frenchies will lend us theirs ? the next problem is who do we get to lay them PWD or Tugby ?

  4. Its ok i've got it , we line up 1600 exercise bikes , connect them to the power station and generate our own electricity which would also negate the need for a sports centre ,as far as the pool goes , we'd be to knackered to use one ,simples.

  5. Big problem. How will we get our english plug into a french socket?

  6. There is a good answer but it is rather rude.

    And surely the power goes from Alderney, not into it. Eventually. We hope.

  7. just the same way you do it TP shove one finger in the live and stick youre two wires in the other hole.

  8. Like it Saw point. You sound as if you are a very practical person. You might want to apply for a job on our public works........... If you haven't already worked there?

  9. Will our British appliances understand French electricity?

  10. No,but we could all just nip across the race and buy French appliances!,

  11. Mr. Reginald Blood15 August 2012 at 10:58

    Not by ferry we can't

  12. Interested in the header for this page - time difference, language barrier, euro and completely different culture can't possibly work. One hour ain't exactly a big deal and the weak euro could work in our favour - not that the pound is that strong. As for language and 'completely different culture' the same gulf exists between most of us Alderney natives and our great grandparents. My great grandfather spoke English, Breton Alderney (a variant of the Cotentin dialect) and High French. My generation wasn't even taught French. That completely different culture was once ours, M. Revolting, and we lost it. Am I the only Alderney native that wishes we had stronger links with our neighbours and maybe weaker links with the British Raj? They haven't done much for us over the years.

    1. Anonymous 24October.....Just how much of an Alderney native are you, when you haven't the courage to use your real name? Your great grandfather must be turning in his grave.

  13. Being new to this blog, I've naturally had a good rummage around most of the topics. I've begun to warm to some of the contributors including Anonymous. But I'm beginning to think that the summer sunshine, not that we had much this year, has got to his head. Perhaps it's his wry sense of humour, heaven forbid I have one, but using phrases like British Raj (24/10) and invaded by the English (9/08) really doesn't help. I'm not suggesting the red carpet treatment every time one of my compadres steps off the flying tin can but the fact is that without incomers this island would not work. Anonymous must surely know this to be true. It's the incomers who renovate the houses that pays the builders who employ the people who buy the beer and spend the money. It's what makes everything go round. I know that this is the French Connection blog but it's worth saying that the heart of this island's economy is construction not tourism, French or otherwise. And that is what any development plan needs to concentrate on, specifically encouraging newcomers both entrepreneurs and home owners to base themselves here. This island has so much to offer them and they to this island. I appreciate that you are proud of your roots, they should be celebrated by us all, but in this internet age people and entrepreneurs have choice. And unless you prepare the menu accordingly, they will choose to dine elsewhere and this place will continue on what will have become an inevitable slide in to a financial abyss.

  14. Well, obviously either no one gives a monkey's or you've all left the island. Sad.
